At the end of October the veil is the thinnist to spirit world, We have medium Tara Diana with special guest Ray Boulay (After Life Investigator) to offer messages from our loved one and guides on the other side. These events are powerful and they fill up quickly. Seats are limited and must pre purchased to reserve your spot at this special event. Call or come into the store to sign up and avoid dissapointment.
Message from Tara
When the veil is the thinnest between the two worlds it is the perfect time to acknowledge those on the other side
as well as those that visit us on a regular basis. Tara is excited to have long time friend Ray Boulay come and
discuss with those attending what his work entails with the more scientific side of Mediumship! This will lead into
Tara Diana providing messages from those that wish to come through and make themselves known. An exciting
evening with two long time friends working with spirit! This will be held in person at Serendipity’s Backyard in
Steveston but we will also have a Zoom link to participate!