Elaine Sommerville and David Jones, visiting UK mediums will be offering one on one sessions with either David or Elaine
$50 for 30 mins
please call store to book an appointment 604-275-1683
David has been aware of spirit from the age of 4, when an angel appeared to him, it wasn’t until he was 21 when his mom passed that he headed to a spiritualist church and his journey began.
David has been a demonstrating medium for nearly 25 years and recently felt the need to refresh his mediumship in an advanced closed development group with world renowned medium and Arthur tutor and course organiser, Paul Jacobs,
David has studied at the AFC on many occasions and was part of a physical circle that was ran by well known medium Jean Duncan and known world wide for the activity. There was a waiting list that included people from many countries.
David has also worked with his mediumship nationally and internationally including Southern Ireland, France, Belgium, Canada.
David enjoys inspirational writing and has had writing published by the SNU for a lyceum publication.