Who Needs to Know What
January 27, 2023
$25 + GST (One time fee for the whole evening)
Who Needs to Know What!
Join Empowerment Medium Tara Diana and her students for an evening of Messages, Energy Work, Questions and Answers!
15 Minutes Sessions will be offered for Channeling, Oracle Cards, Mediumship and Energy Work with an amazing group of practitioners that Tara has mentored over the last 12-18 months! Have one two or three sessions and see what it is you need to know!
While the sessions are going on, Tara will be offering the Spin of the Wheel of the Major Arcana and explaining what it means to you as well as just Spiritual Chit Chat on all topics. This evening is meant to be filled with light and love and a chance to connect with Tara in a more casual way!