Focusing on building your connections, confidence and trusting what you receive with a deeper blend of your abilities.
Understanding your symbols, colours and their meanings.
Learn how to deal with a “no” in a communication plus lots more tips and techniques.
This will help in demonstrations and private readings, on the day working in a 1 to 1 and group setting, the day will be informative and fun!
Please bring a packed lunch.
Elaine holds a diploma with distinction for her knowledge of mediumship and a certificate for advanced mediumship with renowned international medium Paul Jacobs, continuing to strive to learn more as she believes a medium never stops learning or expanding their awareness.
Elaine has studied at the prestigious college of psychic and mediumship development The Arthur Findlay College at Stansted, UK, The sister college Arthur Findlay Centre (now known as The barbanell Centre). She is also a member of the International Spiritualist Federation (ISF), American Society For Standards In Mediumship and Psychical Investigation (ASSMPI) and the Spiritualist National Union (SNU)
Elaine’s workshops and seminars are informative and very proactive with the focus on practical learning. She has a passion for mediumship which she enjoys sharing with others to help move them forward and help build spiritual connections. These are ideal for all levels of development from the complete beginner to the more advanced. Her workshops all vary including demonstrating and private sittings, psychic awareness, mediumistic connections, the senses (known as the clairs) mediumship basics, symbols and colour, psychic tools (cards etc), philosophy and more. She also holds workshops and seminars in spiritual churches/centres and also online.